Friday, May 1, 2015

Maus- A Survivors Tale Book Review

The book Maus: A Survivors Tale, is a very unique book that portrays the story of a holocaust survivor in the envision of a mouse. In the book, the fictional character Artie, visits his dad in order to obtain primary research about the  holocaust.What makes this text unique is that the author uses his dads life and merges it into a graphic (comic-like )novel. Whether it was was their actions, thoughts, or the dialogue, the characters in this graphic novel all experienced genius qualities. In the book I believe that Artie's dad was very wise, for even though he dropped out of school, he still took private classes and got educated, he didn't have to MUSE about it for he knew it was for a greater future, "I had to quit school at about 14 to work...but i took private lessons...I always dreamed of going to America"(16). This clearly shows that although he couldn't obtain some high DECREE he made a wise decision in working with what he had. In the book Artie's dad, prior to his marriage, had a relationship with Lucia and she was very sensitive, she was way to clingy and took everything way to seriously and didn't let the situation be when Artie's dad called it off, " PSHH! And look what beauty you picked...Forget her !!!Let me make you happy!...It was not so easy to get free from Lucia" (17). Lucia was very sensitive and even mocked Anja (Artie's mom) based on her VISAGE saying that she was better, she definitely possessed sensitivity. Deeper into the novel you also find that Anja was sensitive as well but in a more controlled and civilized way. Anja risked her safety and well being in helping this communist ENTERPRISE, " The police were here!Looking for Anja!That boy form Warsaw brings communist messages.She translates them into German and passes it on!" (27) This clearly shows Anja's clear dedication to a cause and therefor proves that she is sensitive in a positive an productive way, unlike Lucia. As the story progresses, Anja's character become more and more FEEBLE, she is just unknowingly low and sad and lacks vitality. "But why are you crying?... I don't know. I have a good family...a fine son...I should be happy...But I don't care.I just don't want to live!", in the story the doctor said that it was the stress and the birth of Artie's brother (died in war) that was putting a strain in her life causing her to feel depressed and have breakdowns.This is a perfect example of her not possessing the quality vitality. Artie's grandfather's actions, thoughts , and dialogue helped me learn more about myself and my society because it shows how people do crazy things to survive."So when my brother Marcus got 21 years, father put him on a starvation diet.Always Marcus was sickly-so-thin.And when he went for the army examination...they didn't take him." (45)When Artie's dad was taken BONDAGE and was treated like a SERVILE, many men wanted to stay in the camps for their pride but he possessed the power of being wise he didn't want to die for he knew he had a family to get back to! "If we have to die, let's die here! NO! I didn't agree! I'm not going to die, and I won't die here! I want to be treated like a human being!"Artie also possessed genius qualities, he was very creative because in the book he made a comic expressing his feeling of his moms suicide, for this was a way of coping with his moms loss. I believe Art Spiegelmans made and awesome job, and gave an extraordinary envision of a variety of different genius qualities.

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